
PDFCreator is an application to convert or transform documents into Portable Document Format (PDF) format that can be used in Microsoft Windows operating system. It works with as if a virtual printer that prints to PDF files, which is very practical application to create PDF files by selecting to print from within the application PDFCreator and create files in the form of PDF files that document.
This application was written by Microsoft Visual Basic and released to the public and can be used free of charge. It can be used with 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows, including Windows 7, most of the internally using 32-bit code. PDF generation is actually handled by Ghostscript, which is included in the setup package that can directly we install on our computers.

Windows XP / Vista / Windows7 / Windows8
Multiple languages


-Create PDFs from any program in the form of documents
-PDF Security sytem can protect them from being opened, printed
-Sending a PDF file that can be generated via eMail
-Not only PDF files that can be input, but the file is a PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PS, EPS
-Can automatically save files to folders and filenames based on username, computername, Date, Time
-Can bring together multiple PDF files into one
-The install process is very easy

PDFCreator 1.71
PDFCreator 1.61
PDFCreator 1.51
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